Best ISO Professionals in Wisconsin (WI)
IQC - The ISO Pros of Wisconsin & ISO 9001 Consultants
Do you know any business or organization that does not care about their supplier? Suppliers are everything for businesses, especially to those that receive goods, products, even services. Without suppliers, there’ll be no consistency in how the supply chain is maintained and regulated – there might not even be supply chains existent.
Supplier Audits and Supplier Evaluations are only two of the things companies can perform in order to evaluate and assess the quality and the conformance of their suppliers. Also known as the Second Party Audit or Evaluation, this assessment can affect and influence the purchasing decision of clients.

What Supplier Audits Are For
Can you imagine your company or your business working with a supplier that does not have any type of legitimate proof and evidence of the quality of its standards and procedures? Isn’t it a bit difficult to base it only on how you see and perceive them now?
Through Supplier Audits and Evaluation, companies and organizations are able to select the most appropriate, as well as the most effective suppliers specific to their needs and wants as a company.
In fact, here are some of the advantages that Supplier Audits and Evaluations can give you:
- Improved and Developed Customer Experience and Customer Satisfaction
- Identification of Risk and Potential Hurdles in Production
- Uncover the Business Practices of Suppliers
- Have a Uniform and a Standardized Quality of Service or Product
- And Many More
Are Supplier Audits Expensive?
This question gets thrown out by almost every company or organization that wants to conduct a Supplier Audit to their supplier; what they do not understand is the fact that it’s relative. There might be some cases and some instances where it’s cheaper because it covers less than what’s required – and it might be more costly and expensive in some instances because they cover more than what they should.
Here in the state of Wisconsin, there’s no other company trusted when it comes to these types of audits but us here at IQC – the ISO Professionals.
For years, we’ve unraveled Supplier secrets through the continuous and developing Supplier Audits and Evaluations we’ve conducted. Through this, we were able to help businesses and organizations in terms of how their suppliers behave.
With a Supplier Audit, there will be no problem on how businesses and organizations would weigh and assess their supplier’s credibility and trustworthiness. If you choose to go and work with us, you’ll get not only the Supplier Evaluation or Audit that you need – you’ll also gain the knowledge and the skill needed to be able to identify credible and reliable suppliers from those that are not.
Should you need extensive training, don’t ever hesitate to work with us here at IQC – the ISO Professionals. All across the entire state of Wisconsin, we’re known as the best and we never failed.
We will relay to you everything you want to know about your suppliers; from the time that they leave to the time that they arrive at the site or business location. Work with the best!
We service multiple cities throughout the state of Wisconsin. We provide all the services listed below and more in every city.
If you don’t see your city listed, don’t worry. Just contact us by giving us a call or filling out the form, and we’ll dive deep to discover what are the best solutions for you and your business. See our areas of service:
With IQC – the ISO Professionals, you’ll get all of the information and the proper training that you need to go on with the industry you are in! Here are the ISO Standards we can help you with:
- Asset Management ISO 55001
- Automotive Core Tools
- Automotive IATF 16949
- Body Armor BA 9000
- Capability Maturity Model Integration
- Counterfeits AS6081
- Energy ISO 50001 and SEP
- Environmental ISO 14001
- Ethical Sourcing SQFI
- Facility Management ISO 41001
- Food Safety Modernization Act FDA FSMA
- Food Safety ISO 22000
- Forestry SFI ATFS
- Gluten-Free Certification
- Info Security ISO/IEC 27001
- International Traffic in Arms Regulations, ITAR
- IT Service ISO/IEC 20000-1
- Laboratory Accreditation ISO 17025
- Medical Devices ISO 13485
- Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- Packaging ISO 15378
- Quality ISO 9001
- Responsible Care RC14001
- Supply Chain ISO 28000
- Telecommunications TL 9000